1. Polska
  2. Wszystkie produkty 3M
  3. Filtracja
  4. Filtracja i oczyszczanie przemysłowe
  5. Filtry kapsułowe
  6. 3M™ LifeASSURE™ PLA Series Filter Capsule, PLA045J03AA01, 30 in, 0.45 µ, 1/Case

3M™ LifeASSURE™ PLA Series Filter Capsule, PLA045J03AA01, 30 in, 0.45 µ, 1/Case

  • 3M ID 7000050965
  • UPC 00016145138225

Multi-zone microporous nylon membrane offers maximum membrane protection and increased contaminant capacity.

Advanced Pleat Technology construction allows maximum fluid and contaminant access to filter surface area for highest throughput.

100% Integrity testing prior to release ensures consistent performance.

Zobacz więcej szczegółów


Najważniejsze cechy
  • Multi-zone microporous nylon membrane offers maximum membrane protection and increased contaminant capacity
  • Advanced Pleat Technology construction allows maximum fluid and contaminant access to filter surface area for highest throughput
  • 100% Integrity testing prior to release ensures consistent performance
  • Available with 0.2 µm and 0.45 µm bioburden reduction membranes

3M™ LifeASSURE™ PLA Series Filter Capsules are our nylon 6.6 bioburden reduction filters, available in a different porosities and cartridge sizes.

3M™ LifeASSURE™ PLA Series Filter Capsules feature our multi-zone microporous membrane technology, allowing great flexibility in creating a multi‐zone membrane that offers excellent contaminant holding capacity, while maintaining high retention efficiency.

The Advanced Pleat Technology (APT) design allows maximum fluid and contaminant access to filter surface area for high throughput.

They’re available with 0.2 µm and 0.45 µm bioburden reduction membranes.

LifeASSURE™ PLA filters are not sterilising grade filters as defined in FDA Guidance.


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