3M™ Zeta Plus™ EZP Series, with ZB Series Media

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Broad pH range of strong, positively charge-modified depth filter media.

Pre-extracted inorganic filter aid.

Two layers of complementary porosities provide high contaminant holding capacity, economical filtration and reliable particle reduction.

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Najważniejsze cechy
  • Broad pH range of strong, positively charge-modified depth filter media
  • Pre-extracted inorganic filter aid
  • Two layers of complementary porosities provide high contaminant holding capacity, economical filtration and reliable particle reduction
  • FDA Drug Master File and USP Class VI Biological Reactivity Tests eases validation and regulatory submissions
  • Self-contained, single-use capsules are available in three convenient sizes for scale-up and benchtop studies
  • Low hold-up volume for minimal fluid loss
  • Novel shape to maintain the same lenticular flow path as larger capsules and cartridges

3M™ Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated System Scale-Up Filter Capsule, EXT, with ZB Series Media is our dual layer depth filter composed of pre-extracted inorganic filter aid, cellulose and a high, positively charged resin system that that pulls negatively charged contaminants from the fluid.

3M™ Zeta Plus™ Encapsulated System Scale-Up Filter Capsules, EXT, with ZB Series are our range of advanced dual layer depth filters for superior, economical small scale clarification of bioprocess, biological and pharmaceutical fluids.

The ZB media has a strong positive charge over a broad pH range to provide higher reduction of negatively charged contaminants compared to a mechanical filtration mechanism alone. It provides an economical, small scale clarification of pharmaceutical, biological and bioprocess.

Pharmaceutical Grade Media
3M Zeta Plus Encapsulated System Scale-Up Filter Capsules, EXT, with ZB Series Media are manufactured to controls described in our Drug Master File on record with the FDA. Certificates of Quality are included with every filter. These filters meet the requirements of USP Class VI Biological Reactivity Tests and meet the strict requirements specified in the Drug Master File, including product control and traceability.

Encapsulating High Performance
Scale-up capsules are available in three sizes to meet varying volumes and applications and the capsules have been designed for minimal hold-up volume.

The production capsule manifolds have 1.5 in. sanitary connections on the inlet and outlet. 3M Zeta Plus Production capsules may be used in a multi-stage filtration or purification train with a single 3M Encapsulated System holder. One of the stages may include 3M™ Emphaze™ products. A pair of manifolds is required between each stage of the multi-stage train within the 3M Encapsulated System holder.

Combined with the larger production scale capsules, 3M Zeta Plus Encapsulated System offers a completely single-use depth filter solution to process from 100 ml to 25,000 L of liquid.



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