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  6. Rolka Scotch-Brite typu SC w gradacji A Very Fine 1270 mm x 25 m

Rolka Scotch-Brite typu SC w gradacji A Very Fine 1270 mm x 25 m

  • 3M ID 7000068186
  • UPC 04001895904707

The coarse grade abrasive is heat resistant and fast cutting while the open-web construction resists loading, all of which help give you consistent surface conditioning results. With the convenience of the Roloc™ attachment system, disc change-out for multi-step finishing processes is both quick and easy.We use silicon carbide abrasive in the Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ Clean and Strip XT Disc. Silicon carbide is a synthetic mineral that is very sharp and commonly used for low-pressure applications such as paint prep. While it breaks down faster than aluminum oxide, it produces a superior finish. Our line of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into a non-woven fiber matrix. Combining abrasives and non-woven material creates an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the life of the product. The open-web material runs cool and is load resistant, which keeps the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance by limiting clogging of the fibers The fast yet forgiving cut and consistent performance of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives allows you to condition surfaces without significantly changing the shape of dimension of the workpiece and helping to prevent undercutting and gouging. And it makes it easier to produce a consistent finish, part after part.

The coarse grade abrasive is heat resistant and fast cutting while the open-web construction resists loading, all of which help give you consistent surface conditioning results. With the convenience of the Roloc™ attachment system, disc change-out for multi-step finishing processes is both quick and easy.We use silicon carbide abrasive in the Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ Clean and Strip XT Disc. Silicon carbide is a synthetic mineral that is very sharp and commonly used for low-pressure applications such as paint prep. While it breaks down faster than aluminum oxide, it produces a superior finish. Our line of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into a non-woven fiber matrix. Combining abrasives and non-woven material creates an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the life of the product. The open-web material runs cool and is load resistant, which keeps the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance by limiting clogging of the fibers The fast yet forgiving cut and consistent performance of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives allows you to condition surfaces without significantly changing the shape of dimension of the workpiece and helping to prevent undercutting and gouging. And it makes it easier to produce a consistent finish, part after part.

The coarse grade abrasive is heat resistant and fast cutting while the open-web construction resists loading, all of which help give you consistent surface conditioning results. With the convenience of the Roloc™ attachment system, disc change-out for multi-step finishing processes is both quick and easy.We use silicon carbide abrasive in the Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ Clean and Strip XT Disc. Silicon carbide is a synthetic mineral that is very sharp and commonly used for low-pressure applications such as paint prep. While it breaks down faster than aluminum oxide, it produces a superior finish. Our line of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into a non-woven fiber matrix. Combining abrasives and non-woven material creates an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the life of the product. The open-web material runs cool and is load resistant, which keeps the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance by limiting clogging of the fibers The fast yet forgiving cut and consistent performance of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives allows you to condition surfaces without significantly changing the shape of dimension of the workpiece and helping to prevent undercutting and gouging. And it makes it easier to produce a consistent finish, part after part.

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Najważniejsze cechy
  • The coarse grade abrasive is heat resistant and fast cutting while the open-web construction resists loading, all of which help give you consistent surface conditioning results. With the convenience of the Roloc™ attachment system, disc change-out for multi-step finishing processes is both quick and easy.We use silicon carbide abrasive in the Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ Clean and Strip XT Disc. Silicon carbide is a synthetic mineral that is very sharp and commonly used for low-pressure applications such as paint prep. While it breaks down faster than aluminum oxide, it produces a superior finish. Our line of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into a non-woven fiber matrix. Combining abrasives and non-woven material creates an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the life of the product. The open-web material runs cool and is load resistant, which keeps the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance by limiting clogging of the fibers The fast yet forgiving cut and consistent performance of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives allows you to condition surfaces without significantly changing the shape of dimension of the workpiece and helping to prevent undercutting and gouging. And it makes it easier to produce a consistent finish, part after part
  • The coarse grade abrasive is heat resistant and fast cutting while the open-web construction resists loading, all of which help give you consistent surface conditioning results. With the convenience of the Roloc™ attachment system, disc change-out for multi-step finishing processes is both quick and easy.We use silicon carbide abrasive in the Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ Clean and Strip XT Disc. Silicon carbide is a synthetic mineral that is very sharp and commonly used for low-pressure applications such as paint prep. While it breaks down faster than aluminum oxide, it produces a superior finish. Our line of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into a non-woven fiber matrix. Combining abrasives and non-woven material creates an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the life of the product. The open-web material runs cool and is load resistant, which keeps the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance by limiting clogging of the fibers The fast yet forgiving cut and consistent performance of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives allows you to condition surfaces without significantly changing the shape of dimension of the workpiece and helping to prevent undercutting and gouging. And it makes it easier to produce a consistent finish, part after part
  • The coarse grade abrasive is heat resistant and fast cutting while the open-web construction resists loading, all of which help give you consistent surface conditioning results. With the convenience of the Roloc™ attachment system, disc change-out for multi-step finishing processes is both quick and easy.We use silicon carbide abrasive in the Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ Clean and Strip XT Disc. Silicon carbide is a synthetic mineral that is very sharp and commonly used for low-pressure applications such as paint prep. While it breaks down faster than aluminum oxide, it produces a superior finish. Our line of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into a non-woven fiber matrix. Combining abrasives and non-woven material creates an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the life of the product. The open-web material runs cool and is load resistant, which keeps the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance by limiting clogging of the fibers The fast yet forgiving cut and consistent performance of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives allows you to condition surfaces without significantly changing the shape of dimension of the workpiece and helping to prevent undercutting and gouging. And it makes it easier to produce a consistent finish, part after part
  • Otwarta włóknina jest odporna na zaszlichcanie i reaguje na nierówności powierzchni
  • Otwarta włóknina reaguje na nierówności powierzchni, minimalizując jednocześnie zmiany geometrii części

The coarse grade abrasive is heat resistant and fast cutting while the open-web construction resists loading, all of which help give you consistent surface conditioning results. With the convenience of the Roloc™ attachment system, disc change-out for multi-step finishing processes is both quick and easy.We use silicon carbide abrasive in the Scotch-Brite™ Roloc™ Clean and Strip XT Disc. Silicon carbide is a synthetic mineral that is very sharp and commonly used for low-pressure applications such as paint prep. While it breaks down faster than aluminum oxide, it produces a superior finish. Our line of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives are unique surface conditioning products with abrasives incorporated into a non-woven fiber matrix. Combining abrasives and non-woven material creates an abrasive system that delivers consistent results for the life of the product. The open-web material runs cool and is load resistant, which keeps the abrasive minerals cutting at high performance by limiting clogging of the fibers The fast yet forgiving cut and consistent performance of Scotch-Brite™ abrasives allows you to condition surfaces without significantly changing the shape of dimension of the workpiece and helping to prevent undercutting and gouging. And it makes it easier to produce a consistent finish, part after part.

Użyj rolki do uszlachetniania powierzchni Scotch-Brite™ do skutecznego gratowania, ujednolicania i wykańczania rozmaitych podłoży. Wszechstronne rolki do uszlachetniania mogą być również używane do delikatnego szlifowania. Te uniwersalne rolki do uszlachetniania posiadają wszystkie zalety produktów Scotch-Brite™, w tym technologię włóknin ściernych i jednolitego cięcia. Wykorzystano w nich różne rodzaje tlenku glinu lub węglika krzemu oraz występują w różnych gradacjach, od bardzo drobnej (SFN) do grubej (CRS). Gradacje superdrobne przycinają mniej agresywnie, aby uzyskać dokładniejsze wykończenie, natomiast gatunki gruboziarniste przycinają bardziej agresywnie, aby wykończenie było grubsze. Do każdego zastosowania służy inna gradacja. Materiały ścierne Scotch-Brite™ są wyjątkowe, wykorzystują technologię włókninową, w której mineralny materiał ścierny jest przytwierdzany do włókien syntetycznych przy użyciu żywicy. Tworzy to otwartą konstrukcję włókninową. Przerwy między włóknami umożliwiają wydostawanie się nadmiaru materiału, aby zapobiec ścieraniu minerału przez zanieczyszczenia. Dzięki temu materiał mineralny pozostaje ostry na dłużej, poprawiając wydajność cięcia i wydłużając żywotność materiału ściernego. Sprężynowanie włókien dobrze sprawdza się na konturach i reaguje na subtelności na powierzchni. Dopasowująca się konstrukcja skutecznie usuwa niechciane graty, zabrudzenia i zanieczyszczenia bez niszczenia materiału podstawowego, dzięki czemu uzyskujesz spójne i jednolite wykończenie, część po części.

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