3M™ Adhesion Promoter K540NTUV is a non-toluene, liquid promoter used to improve the adhesion of 3M™ Acrylic Foam and Acrylic Plus Tapes to polyolefin-based materials such as thermoplastic olefins (TPO), Polypropylene (PP), and ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM).
Strong Adhesion with Reduced Hazardous Air Pollutant Content 3M™ Adhesion Promoter K540NTUV is a liquid primer used to improve the adhesion of 3M™ Acrylic Foam and Acrylic Plus Tapes to polyolefin-based materials such as polypropylene, TPO and EPDM. A fluorescent dye has been added so that primer coverage can be verified. Since formulations and surface energies vary for these materials, each application should be verified through testing. 3M™ Adhesion Promoter K540NTUV is specifically formulated to be used with 3M Acrylic Foam and Acrylic Plus Tapes for automotive applications. 3M™ Adhesion Promoter K540NTUV has also been formulated to achieve a significant reduction in hazardous air pollutant (HAPS) content as compared to 3M™ Adhesion Promoter K520UV. Recommended Applications TPO EPDM PP Better Science for Better Adhesion from 3M Since 1925 when a 3M lab assistant invented masking tape, 3M has been applying science to life –developing adhesive products and technologies that help entire industries and individual businesses worldwide. The work that began with a single 3M engineer now spans decades and generations and all of it goes into each 3M product developed for automotive OEM, like 3M™ Adhesion Promoter K540NTUV.
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